Science vision
Growing together in love and learning, through faith, family and friendship.
"Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ."

Beech Class
Hello and a warm welcome to Beech's class page.
In Beech you will find Year 3 and Year 4 pupils taught by:
Class Teacher: Mrs Bisson
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Hughes, Mrs Goddard and Mrs Halliwell
As our children start Key Stage two they are supported to become increasingly independent learners, who show determination and resilience.
At Emmanuel Holcombe, we strive to provide a rich and varied curriculum and to offer learning opportunities which encourage children to become independent, resilient, life long learners. We firmly believe that happy, calm, children, who feel supported and loved, achieve their full potential.
Scroll to the bottom of this page to find some useful documents.

Our Classroom
We aim to create warm and welcoming classrooms, that are vibrant and stimulating.
Please make an appointment with the office to arrange a visit!
Inside Our Classroom

Our Sunshine Room
We have our own sensory room in Beech Class, our 'Sunshine Room.' It is a wonderful space with lamps, cushions and sensory activities.

Times Table Rockstars
Year 3 and 4 Statutory Spellings
Here you can view the statutory spelling list that the children will learn during year 3 and 4
Follow the link to practice your times tables.